Marsha Musing

Rhubarb Simple Syrup

Rhubarb Simple Syrup

It's rhubarb season! I love rhubarb, and it's basically a weed, which can make it pretty easy to get your hands on some. I've got a friend with an oversized patch in the backyard that I've been told I'm welcome to raid at any time. I've got two batches already, and...

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How to Spend a Sunny Saturday in Sackville, NB

How to Spend a Sunny Saturday in Sackville, NB

It's not always sunny in Sackville, especially on a Saturday in early June. So when it is, get the heck out there and enjoy it! 8:30am Coffee. We're not barbarians. 9:00am Hit the local Yard Sales. If you're lucky, you have a local friend who is something of a garage...

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Fuck SEO

Fuck SEO

I'm such a dummy sometimes. I find myself doing things I'm supposed to do, and then when I take a minute to examine my actions I realize that I am doing something I should with no real reason to do so. When will I learn to stop trying to do things the right way? I'm...

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I am full of thoughts. Some are nice, some are mean, many are silly. My thoughts make up a huge part of who I am. They determine how I interact with the world, even though the world never has access to them, except through my filters. I have always prided myself in...

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Cultivate Your Inbox

Cultivate Your Inbox

I’m sure that I’m not the only one who’s overwhelmed by the amount of garbage online. The trash I’m talking about is the must-see click-bait, latest thing, buzzword bullshit.

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Earth Day 2019

Earth Day 2019

It's hard to be grateful in times of crisis. And make no mistake, we are in the midst of an environmental crisis. We have been for a long time, and denying the existence of something real won't make it go away. Earth Day is supposed to be a celebration in support of...

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Business Time

Business Time

Let 2019 be known as the year I started a business. And let me say upfront, I probably have no business starting a business. I am not a business person. And since my "business" is really just me, I should probably just say that this is the year I became self-employed....

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Make a Habit of Showing Up

Make a Habit of Showing Up

You* can't play if you don't show up. And you won't get better if you don't practice. First: show up. Be there. Commit. I will show up every week. Make it a habit. Make it obvious. Make it easy. Log in. Write a few words. Are they dumb? Who cares. You did it. You...

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