Perfection is not an Option

by | Feb 24, 2019

My current mantra.

This is what’s getting me through the day.

This is what’s getting this post online.

I know it’s not a new idea, but it’s resonating with me now. I read it in a blog post on The Zero-Waste Chef and it struck me and has really helped me stay motivated lately.

I adore her “Don’t Be Perfect” attitude about the zero-waste movement, the name of which is so intimidating that it can scare people away from even considering it.

But the idea that perfection is not an option, that the goal is simply to keep moving in the right direction… that is movement I can get behind.

It’s similar to another mantra I’ve used: Do Something. Anything.

“Don’t do nothing because you can’t do everything. Do something. Anything.”

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, the Joyful Vegan

If doing everything is perfection, how about we just do the best we can today. And maybe, try to do more tomorrow. Just keep moving in the right direction whenever you can. Don’t despair. Don’t give up. Keep going.

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Art in Rutherford South #ualberta

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From an art installation at the University of Alberta, June 2012 (artist unknown).


  1. Well, what do you know? I’m not the only one thinking this! Fresh from my inbox this morning: I mean, it’s not surprising, really. I read articles from people with similar interests who I feel I can learn something from.

  2. I think one that I struggle with is not getting hung up that I could always make things better. I know I won’t ever achieve perfection but I always have a sense that I could have done something better and did I really give it my best or did I think through everything. This is especially challenging with projects with a deadline. You still have to get something out there and 99% of the time it is great and acceptable but there is that nagging feeling you could have done something to improve it. The key for me is to move on and focus on the next project and try to improve on that one. It’s understand the past but don’t constantly look in the rear-view mirror.