May has been full of good things! Let’s see if I can remember a few…
The biggest event of the month was the opening of Pugwash Farmers’ Market! We opened on the Saturday of the long weekend to great success! It was really (really!) windy, but the sun was out and the vendors were happy to be there and the shoppers were smiling and eating and buying and there was a festive feel to the day. Wonderful. I received lots of compliments on opening day. I am really enjoying this market manager gig, but holy hell it is A LOT! There’s always something and I often feel like my head will detach from my neck it’s spinning so much. I am so grateful to Aldon who has been a HUGE help. I don’t think I could do this without him.

One thing that’s been a real challenge this month has been being without a vehicle. Suby (our Subaru) was in the shop ALL MONTH. The local mechanic just couldn’t get to it – mostly because his guys have all been out fishing this month and it wasn’t something he couldn’t do on his own. I guess this is the life of a village mechanic! Last week Aldon found someone else (about 30 minutes away) and he dropped it off today. Now we wait to hear how bad it is. Replace a cylinder or replace the engine? Stay tuned…

We didn’t get much for April showers, but the May flowers are in bloom. And the forest fires are raging, too. So far so good in our area, but there are quite a few evacuees arriving to stay with family here. Any influx of people in a small community like ours is noticeable. The weather has been hot, then cold, then hot again. And lots of wind. The forecast is calling for (much needed!) rain and cold this weekend. Not great for the market, but much better for the forests. We’ll have to see how it goes.
Two +1 had a gig opening for Jolee from PEI mid-month, and it went great! And we’ve been booked to play a backyard 70th birthday party on June 10, which also happens to be Aldon’s birthday. Should be a fun way to celebrate!
We went out clamming with dad and Joker earlier in month (that’s Aldon and Joker in the photo above), but didn’t have much luck. Too bad, but it just means that the few times we get to enjoy them we’ll appreciate them even more, and will hope for better luck next year.
We booked flights for Ava (Aldon’s daughter) and Elsie (his mom) to come out for a visit – summer is coming on fast! Ava arrives at the end of June and Elsie in early July. Summer fun! We’ve decided that we won’t be making the trip to Alberta this summer. Sad, but it just isn’t feasible. We’ll have to gaze into the sunsets and think of our beloved folks out West.