This post was imported from an old blog I used to have.
Disclaimer: this post brought to you by the letter w. An evening spent watching writers performing their work and fueled by many glasses of wine.
Psych-up with #bangarang in my ears
A familiar face (beard) at the door
Red wristband
I’m in.
I know that guy
He knows some other people
I’ll introduce myself: Hello.
Alley Kat Aprikat to lubricate
Disco ball Polariod walls
Sweating buckets for no reason
This stripey dress is not camoflage.
Yellow schoolbus parked outside
YEG twitter celebs out in full force
Who am I?
Co-star to sit with
Relief, acceptance,
I can totally do this.
Stories. Truth in all of them.
I’m there with you
I feel you.
Next stop:
A poet with heart, soul
Nerves exposed
Then relief in beats and laughter.
I sit and converse
Winners, losers, we’re all the same.
Can you see me?
I think you do.
Let’s go again
I’m with you.
I hear you, you see me
Your words bouncing through my brain.
Recognize the mother
The one who saw something in me
That I couldn’t see in myself
Until now.
How can I thank you?
The wine and the words
Filling me with so much…
Words, feelings, ideas, everything.
I really had to talk myself into going to this event and I am so glad I did. So many inspiring people making and doing their art.
I’m not really a poet; never thought I was and never really aspired to be, but walking home afterwards, I had to find a way to put into words my feelings and this was the first thing that came to me. I won’t claim that it’s “good,” but it IS. And that, I think, is better than nothing.