Two +1 Debuts at Bordertown Jam

On Wednesday April 6, 2022, two years and two months after I performed at my first ever open mic (and about a month before COVID cancelled even the idea of an open mic), my dad (Murray), Aldon and I got up on stage for a 6-song set at the mall in Amherst, Nova Scotia...

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February Skies

Scrolling through my photos from the month, I was struck by how many were of the changing sky. Maybe it's more noticeable when paired with the white snow and ice covered water. It's typically water that inspires me to capture the scene. The sky is usually just the...

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Hello 2022

Happy New Year! Our zoom dance party last night was silly and fun, which is exactly what I was looking for. Apologies to those who tried to join and couldn't. I'm not sure why, but I think we'll try a different platform if there's ever a next time. For those who made...

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Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

I would love to write a lovely long Christmas message to share with you again this year, but in the spirit of slowing down, letting go, lowering expectations and making the most of the season with the friends and family we have near (while loving and missing those dear ones who aren’t), I’m going to keep this short, sweet and stress-free (for me)

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Walking in Wentworth

The weather was fantastic yesterday so I took the afternoon off (again) and we went for a lovely drive into the Wentworth valley (again). This time we parked outside the gate of the (closed) Provincial Park and walked in to access the trails.

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Autumn Waterfall Walk

Is there anything better, on a beautiful autumn afternoon, than a drive to the valley to check out the leaves and maybe take a little walk to a waterfall?

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Swallows on the Boardwalk

The tree swallows in the park are so much fun to watch in the spring. They dart and swoop, popping in and out of the boxes set out for them. Their beautiful shiny blue feathers fascinate me and I think they’re just so damn cute!

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